Cambridge Healthtech Institute’s 2nd Annual
Immuno-Oncology Investing & Partnering Forum
Partnering, Funding & Investment to Advance Immuno-Oncology Therapeutics
August 8, 2019
The 2nd Annual Immuno-Oncology Investing & Partnering Forum brings together early and late-stage investors with fund raising CEOs and research entrepreneurs to encourage partnering and investment, and to ultimately accelerate immune-oncology therapies
to market. This Forum will provide ample opportunity for both investors and CEOs to interact through pre-scheduled 1-1 meetings, as well as interactive panels presented by pharma business development and the VC/investment community.
Final Agenda
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AUGUST 8, 2019
7:45 Registration and Morning Coffee
8:25 Organizer’s Welcome Remarks
PANEL DISCUSSION: Partnering and Licensing in Immuno-Oncology
Big pharma and biotech are under pressure to compete in the booming Immuno-Oncology market and to capitalize on new technologies and innovations to bring next-generation immunotherapies to the patients. This insider panel will share what they look for
in a partner or investment, and discuss opportunities for collaboration or in-licensing of novel immunotherapies, IO targets or biomarkers, and potential combination therapies.
Melinda Griffith, JD
Vice President, Strategic Alliances; Chief Legal Counsel, Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy
Michael Woo, MBA
Head, Search & Evaluation, Immuno-Oncology, Business Development & Licensing, Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research, Inc.
Kathryn McCabe, PhD
Senior Director, Business Development, Emerging Technology and Innovation, Eli Lilly and Company
Scott M. DeWire, PhD
Global Head, Business Development and Licensing, Cancer Immunology, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Philip Arlen, MD
President & CEO, Precision Biologics
9:30 Networking Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall
10:15 PANEL DISCUSSION: Investing in Immuno-Oncology
In this panel discussion, private, public and strategic investors will discuss their investment strategies. Potential topics of discussion include: What does it take to get an immuno-oncology company funded? What are the benefits and risks of business
models in devices, pharmaceuticals, diagnostics and information technology? What are today’s deal terms and valuations? What are the best exit strategies?
Panelists: Stephen Curtis, PhD, Managing Director, MPM Capital
Alexis Ji, PhD, Partner, Illumina Ventures
Shaan C. Gandhi, MD, DPhil, Principal, Longwood Fund
Peter Dudek PhD, Partner, MRL Ventures Fund
11:15 Targets and Biomarkers
With record numbers of immunotherapies in active development, the importance of targets such as the tumor microenvironment is becoming clear. How do you determine what to target? Once you have a target, how do you deliver therapies effectively? This session
will preview next-generation products and companies.
Session Speakers: Michael Aberman, MD, President, CEO, Quentis Therapeutics, Inc.
Christopher Thanos, PhD, CEO, Cofounder, Actym Therapeutics, Inc.
Anton Neschadim, PhD, MBA, President & CEO, Immunobiochem Corporation
12:15 Enjoy Lunch on Your Own
1:30 Investor Roundtable Discussions
Join us for a dedicated time of networking through our informal, moderated roundtable discussions. Each table will be moderated by one of our panelists from the morning sessions on Investing in Immuno-Oncology and Partnering & Licensing in Immuno-Oncology.
Roundtable Moderators: Stephen Curtis, PhD, Managing Director, MPM Capital
Alexis Ji, PhD, Partner, Illumina Ventures
Scott M. DeWire, PhD, Global Head, Business Development and Licensing, Cancer Immunology, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc
Michael Woo, MBA, Head, Search & Evaluation, Immuno-Oncology, Business Development & Licensing, Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research, Inc.
Kathryn McCabe, PhD, Senior Director, Business Development, Emerging Technology and Innovation, Eli Lilly and Company
Shaan C. Gandhi, MD, DPhil, Principal, Longwood Fund
2:30 Networking Refreshment Break
3:15 Novel Therapeutics and Diagnostics for Cancer Immunotherapy
In this session, we will hear from companies on the cutting edge. Novel drugs are being developed and commercialized, and new pathways for cancer diagnostics are being discovered and targeted. Innovative technology is yielding benefits in development
of diagnostics and treatments. Hear from leading companies on their approaches.
Session Speakers: Stephen J. Russell, MD, PhD, CEO, Vyriad, Inc.
Charlene Liao, PhD, President and CEO, Immune-Onc Therapeutics
4:15 Start-Up Showcase
The Immuno-Oncology Investing & Partnering Forum’s 2nd Annual Start-Up Showcase offers the stage to young immuno-oncology companies to pitch their drug, device, diagnostic, or software to an audience of investors, CEOs, and executives in the
Aditya Kulkarni, PhD, Founder and Chief Scientific Officer, Avammune Therapeutics
Eddie Chung, CEO, Costar Therapeutics
Paul Hallenbeck, PhD, Founder and CEO, Seneca Therapeutics, Inc
Milos Marinkovic, PhD, Director, Technology & Business Development, biopact
Learn more about our Start-Up Showcase and submit your company here!
5:15 Close of Immuno-Oncology Investing & Partnering Forum
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